Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue

Christopher Columbus, at first, may seem like the person we all think we know him to have been; the wonderful explorer who discovered the new world, known as America, that we live in today. However, that was not the case whatsoever. Columbus, while he was an explorer, did not intend to discover America, nor did he name it America. Columbus thought he had landed in the continent near India, and that the Natives living there were, in fact, Indians. His objective was to find gold, and he did whatever he had to in order to achieve that goal. He enslaved the Native people against their will, forced them to do hard labor, and killed them for sport, when they had been so nice to him and had saved him. He was brutal, and was hungry and desperate to bring gold back to the king and queen of Spain.

I believed people should not continue to celebrate a holiday in his name anymore. He was not at all how our teachers said he was. He was a brute, and did whatever he wanted to achieve his goal of finding gold. He enslaved, beat, possibly tortured, and killed the Natives for sport. He not only unintentionally found the Americas, but they were not named after him in any way. He was not even the first explorer to land on the supposed “New World”. His intentions were for the greed of his own personal gain, and not to benefit the knowledge of the world of any of those around him. For those reasons, I believe Christopher Columbus day is a lie and should not be celebrated anymore.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Scientific Revolution

The scientific revolution was a great change in the way science and scientists viewed things, such as the human body and how it works. It started with the scientific method. The scientific method was a 6 step method on how to test and/or prove a theory you may have. Back in the 1500's, a new, popular exploration that was happening was the study of astronomy. Two very important astronomers were Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei. Copernicus was a very important astronomer because he was the first to discover that the solar system was a heliocentric one. The idea was revolutionary, even though it went against the beliefs and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Galileo redefined those discoveries by basing it off of Copernicus'. He used a large telescope, and discovered 4 moons of Jupiter, and even more so how the moons and the planets orbited. Back then, not only was the belief of how the world worked different, but chemistry and medicine worked differently too. Robert Boyle was a chemist. He created the formula pv=k, and also the air pump. He discovered the process of combustion, and also made the principles of observing the world around you. Leonardo da Vinci was a surgeon who dissected 30 deceased bodies to learn more about their muscles, brain, lungs, and heart. It didn't go over well with the Roman Catholic Church, but it did play a major role in how we view our bodies today. Throughout the lives of all these astronomers, chemists, and medics, the Roman Catholic Church stayed in one place. They stuck to their beliefs that the earth stayed immobile, while all other bodies in the universe revolved around it. The discoveries that chemists and surgeons such as Andreas Vesalius and Robert Boyle were against the church's discoveries, teachings, and beliefs, so they tried their hardest to cover up their stories and discoveries, however, the word spread too fast, and many people knew before long. Being a merchant for da Vinci, Vesaluis, and William Harvey themselves, I have learned much about their discoveries.

When I first heard about the spreading news about Leonardo da Vinci, Andreas Vesalius and William Harvey and their discoveries on the human body, I was very critical. Not only was what they were doing going against the Church, but they were using actual corpses! It sounded completely disgusting and immoral. I didn't know what else to feel except angry, and disgusted. But, after some further research, I realized that the church was wrong, and was using too much force in trying to stop this and cover this up. The more I learned about this, the more fascinated I became in their study of the human body. Becoming more and more intrigued, I discovered that Vesalius had written a book called de Humani corporis fabrica. It contained all sorts of findings and discoveries on the human body. The church made it seem as if only they were right, all the time, and anyone who went against their teachings or beliefs were to be punished. However, it seemed to me that what da Vinci and Vesalius were doing wasn't doing any harm; in fact, it seemed to be doing good. Vesalius was appointed the lead physician of the holy Roman emperor Charles V. So why was it so bad, if it was gaining him special attention and giving him roles of higher importance?

cover image of Andreas Vesalius' "de Humani corporis fabrica"

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Printing Press during the Renaissance

Before the reformation, the spread of news around Europe was very slow, and often wasn’t very successful. However, after the printing press was invented, the spread of ideas and information became a lot easier, and a lot more successful. Many more copies of books were printed much more quickly, and many people learned to read this way. The spread of the reformation and any information became a lot more possible after the invention of the printing press.

This is a representation of a modern-day representation of how people would communicate their information in the days of the renaissance. This is through the eyes of two ordinary people, and it is an act of fiction.

@calvinismguy News is spreading that Protestantism has a new branch, called Calvinism! #johncalvin #weird #interested

@catholiccivilian I know, it predetermines whether or not you go to heaven or not. But, work hard and you might prove that you’re heaven-bound! #heaven #excited #hardworking

@calvinismguy It is my lifelong dream to get into heaven, I have sinned many times in the past. I should consider Calvinism…#calvinism #hopeful

@henryfan123 Henry VIII just got married a second time… #unusual #desperate

@ihatehenry He’s just trying to get a boy child so he can have an heir. There’s nothing wrong with that! #henryisthebest #greatness

@henryfan123 Dude...word’s spreading he beheaded his is that okay in any way?! #insane #crazy #hell-bound