Wednesday, September 3, 2014


    Hello! My name is Liam. I am the owner of the blog that you are reading right now. I am a student in 9th grade of high school, so do not expect me to be a high-class historian that will blow your mind with awesome facts. I’m just a normal kid who will enjoy writing blogs!

    First off, let me just say that I have had a lot of teachers. Most of them I have liked, but there have been a few that never were my favorite. So, I do have my own little idea of what the ideal great teacher is. First off, something that makes a teacher great is lots of interaction and activities. I really like a teacher that likes to interact with his/her students almost daily. One of my favorite teachers from the past was really energetic with his students, and he loved to be loud and sometimes crazy. But I like crazy. My other favorite teacher spoke very loudly and clearly so I could hear everything she said. She also taught me a very catchy phrase, and it helps me to remember to speak up when talking. One thing I’d really love this year is lots of time to interact with classmates, and to be able to learn from them as well as the teacher.

    So, on what John Green said about it being our duty to use our education to do great things, I agree, to a certain extent. You should use your education to do great things, but those things shouldn’t be anything that’s required of you; you should choose what great things you want to pursue. I have some goals for myself; however, they’re just short-term goals for this year. I hope to socialize more, to be a larger member of my community. Obviously upholding good grades are a given; I think that’s everybody’s goal. I think I’m going to reach my goals this year by putting myself out there and starting conversations with people I may not even know. I plan to study more, and work hard on completing my homework. So anyway, welcome to my blog, and I hope you like it here!

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