Thursday, February 5, 2015

          The colony me and my group studied was the colony of Delaware. We first started off by learning the basics of our colony, seeing as none of us knew much about the topic. We read a brief document learning about an overview of its settlement and early years, as well as some more information in a textbook passage. Once we read up, we organized the info into bullets and answered some questions in order to organize the information better. It was easier once we got into the project. We put together a list of information that was essential to our work and began putting together our iMovie video.

          Next we began to work on our iMovie video. We started off by reading about when our colony was first founded. Delaware was first founded in the year 1638 by the Swedish. After a few years of settlement, they broke off of Pennsylvania and became their own colony. Southern Delaware was inhabited by Africans and English, and Northern Delaware was inhabited by Quakers, Scotch-Irish, and Presbyterian. They originally settled because King Charles II owed the Penn family a huge debt, so he gave a huge tract of land in the new world. Penn immediately saw possibilities. The economy focused on wheat, milling, lumber, and furs. They also performed sugar refining, distilling, shipbuilding, and trade. They originally settled for trade with other colonies. 

          Me and my group's project was mostly Logos, or logical appeal. We mostly discussed the appeals of the job opportunities and the widespread options there were for jobs and ways to live. There was not much Ethos, although we did state we accept anyone's religion, there were no strong examples of any Ethical or Religious support.

Overall, this was a very interesting project to study. I learned about William Penn, England, and more about how religions were accepted back in those times.

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